Frames for hire

Frames for hire PhotoBath have 8 good quality stained Oak frames for hire  (880mm x 680mm, glass size) Each frame has top quality non reflective glass, off white mount boards + pre cut aperture’s (check for window size) These frames are suitable for A2 or even A1 prints   We offer 50% discount on hire to members @ #15 per week per frame.…

‘Unfinished’ – The 2018 Group Exhibition

“I’m more interested in a photography that is ‘unfinished’ – a photography that is suggestive and can trigger a conversation or dialogue. There are pictures that are closed, finished, to which there is no way in.” Paolo Pelegrín Monday 24th – Sunday 30th September 2018 Venue: 44AD Gallery, Bath Private View: 6pm, 25th September, 2018 at…

Max Caffell’s talk on platinum printing, BRLSI – 2016

In November 2016 and as part of the highly successful PhotoBath exhibition featuring examples of work by Sebastiao Salgado, Max Caffell gave a fascinating talk about his own career as a fine platinum print maker working with Salgado and the other top photographers he’s worked with. In this presentation he describes the platinum process in…

carlo chinca exhibition 2018

A retrospective exhibition of Carlo Chinca’s documentary photographs

A retrospective exhibition of Carlo Chinca’s documentary photographs from the past 45 years. Local collective, PhotoBath have been working with Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution (BRLSI) to exhibit a small selection of Carlo Chinca’s large-format prints in the institution’s central Bath venue at 16-18 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HN. The exhibition will run from…


What makes an Iconic Photograph?

What makes an Iconic Photograph? A presentation by Mick Yates & Richard Young. Monday November 13th, 7.30pm, Friends Meeting House, York St, Bath BA1 1NG. Join us to discuss this fascinating topic. What is iconic? Does our understanding change with context? Does it change with history or hindsight? And does technology affect how we ‘see’?…